High School Rhenaniastraße Berlin-Spandau

Realization competition for a high school in Berlin-Spandau 2023
Awarding authority: HOWOGE Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Berlin

Landscape architecture: Henningsen Landschaftsarchitekten, Berlin
Structural engineering: Eisenloffel, Sattler & Partner, Berlin
building services engineering: Rentschler & Riedesser, Berlin
Electrical engineering: ibb Burrer & Deuring, Berlin
Model: Maquette Modellbau, Berlin
Visualization: Grauwald, Berlin

Team: Armin Behles, Jasper Jochimsen, Simon Stahnke

The articulated, T-shaped structure of the new school functions as a joint and a fitting piece between the three urban spaces that it defines on its sides. The tree-lined forecourt as an arrival point is structurally enclosed to make the school more present in the alignment of Rhenaniastrasse. A spacious entrance hall and communicative circulation and recreation zones, loggias and terraces increase the attractiveness of the building for students and teachers. The result is a future-proof, flexibly usable school building that is state-of-the-art in terms of energy and sustainability.