open air museum Detmold

entrance and exhibition building, Detmold, competition 2013
client: Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe
landscape architect: Annabau, Berlin
structural engineer: Eisenloffel.Sattler + Partner, Berlin
team: Leonard Kaupp (PM)

The new entrance and exhibition building forms a striking entrance to the open-air museum. By taking advantage of the topography, a compact, flexible house is created that fits into the surrounding landscape. The new building naturally refers to the historical building types gathered in the museum, but at the same time reveals itself to be a decidedly contemporary house. The compact structure of the new LWL Museum Detmold is built into the slope. While it has three floors in the valley and thus gives the museum a presence on Paderborner Straße in keeping with its importance, on the side facing the museum it is only one floor and therefore appears less massive. The elongated building is aligned on the street with the princely mausoleum and extends to the site of the former orangery. It marks the border to the historic Friedrichsthal gardens, which is thereby strengthened in its perceptibility. The sloping roof refers to the historical buildings gathered in the open-air museum and the surrounding landscape; The striking double gable and the structured facades emphasize the independence of the house.