Vorklinikum Regensburg

University of Regensburg
New building for the department of preclinical medicine
Restricted competition 2015

Chair areas with experimental work rooms and laboratories, special research rooms (radionuclide laboratories, electron microscopy, animal laboratories, etc.), workshops, rooms for lectures and seminars

Client: Regensburg State Building Authority

Laboratory planning: Dr. Heinekamp, Karlsfeld b. Munich
Structural Engineering: EiSat GmbH, Berlin
HVAC: Rentschler and Riedesser, Berlin
Fire protection: Peter Stanek, Berlin

Team: Armin Behles, Prof. Jasper Jochimsen, Mathias Wunsch, Matthias Hänsch, Eleonora Sbrissa, Félix Huet

Most of the buildings at the University of Regensburg were erected between 1966 and 1978 as concrete skeletons with prefabricated concrete parts. Due to massive damage to the building fabric and building technology, the former old biology department building is now to make way for a new building for preclinical medicine.

Our design continues the scale and style of the megastructure of the university buildings. The disposition of the buildings and the use of materials are aimed at completing the ensemble. Nevertheless, the new building can be read as a decidedly contemporary addition.

Inside, the new building is organized efficiently and flexibly. A wide variety of usage scenarios can be presented in the laboratory zone. The central hall forms the communicative center of the house.

The façade deals with and continues the university's tradition of prefabricated fair-faced concrete. The technical building concept relies on the use of renewable energies.