Regensburg Quarter Nuremberg

A new neighbourhood between Regensburger Straße and the Frankenstadion rail station, comprising 381 flats (halfway state-subsidized), > Low Tech High Rise, > office building, stores, > kindergarten, > heat house and parking garage. Integration of listed buildings. KfW55 low energy standard.

Restricted competition 2016, 1st prize
Urban Masterplan 2016-2017
Building planning and realization 2018-2024, under construction since 2021
Commissioned by SW Nürnberg: HOAI §34 LPh 1-4, master detailing
Commissioned by Max Bögl: HOAI §34 LPh 5

Developer: SW Nürnberg
Project manager: GCA, Nuremberg
General contractor: Max Bögl, Nuremberg
Landscape architects: Topos, Berlin
Tenders and site supervision: gapp, Munich
Structural engineer: Peters Schüßler Sperr, Nuremberg
HVAC: Ingenieurbüro Koppe und TGA-X, Nuremberg
Fire Consultant: Ingenieurbüro Teucke, Nuremberg
Building Physics: Basic, Gundelsheim
Infrastructure: Gauff Engineering, Nuremberg
Artist: Martin Wöhrl, Munich
Visualization: Georg Hana, Berlin
Model: Maquette, Berlin
Photos: Lukas Puschmann/ SWN (airial views), BJ&

Team: Armin Behles (PM), Giulia Cappello, Jenny Dittrich (PM), Jasper Jochimsen, Iva Kocheva (PM), Dominik Müller, Thao Giang Nguyen (competition), Cornelius Oswald, Sebastian Nordmeyer, Anatol Rettberg, Fabian Scholtz, Sarah Strohbach, Sina Wendl, Mathias Wünsche

The new neighborhood is situated between the Reichswald forest and the former Reichsparteitag site. In response to heavy traffic and industrial noise, it features a largely closed perimeter development surrounded by a forest-like belt. Inside the perimeter the buildings as well as the courtyards are of smaller scale. Shops and kindergarten are grouped around a central square. A group of listed houses is integrated into the new structure. Coming from the east a small high-rise at Regensburger Straße marks the entrance to the city of Nuremberg. Kinks in plan and a stepped development of the building heights underline the theme of individual "town houses".